
Kratkaya Annotaciya K Risunku Primer

1 Jan 2000admin
Kratkaya Annotaciya K Risunku Primer Average ratng: 6,1/10 8872 reviews

14> primer _Ex: to follow the lead. 17> razvernutyi podzagolovok, annotaciya (pered stat'ei). 1> kratkaya redakcionnaya zametka (tem zhe shriftom, chto i. Aug 14, 2002 - Risunki Tekkereya est' ego produmannyj kommentarij k sobstvennomu. Tekkerej daleko ne edinstvennyj primer sochetaniya zhivopisnogo i literaturnogo darovaniya. [Annotaciya] o perevodah romana Tekkereya 'Vanity Fair' v. Vvedenskij//Kratkaya literaturnaya enciklopediya.

Similar words:  (1.00) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) league of Nations 1> Liga Nacii lear 1> Lir (geroi tragedii Shekspira 'Korol' Lir') 2> otec neblagodarnyh detei 3> _shotl. Obuchenie, uchenie 4> mast' (skota) leatheroid 1> 'Leidroid' (isskustvennaya kozha; firmennoe nazvanie) lea 1> lug, pole 2> _s-h.

Lug, pastbishe 3> perelog _Ex: lea tillage _s-h. Perelozhnaya sistema zemledeliya 4> _s-h.

Par, parovoe pole 5> edinica dliny dlya raznyh vidov pryazhi (ot 80 do 300 yardov) lea management 1> lugovodstvo lea ring 1> _dial. Mezha leach 1> rapa, rassol; nasyshennyi rastvor soli 2> shelok 3> _him. Vyshelychevatel' 4> _him. Vyshelachivat', vysolazhivat' leaching 1> _him. Vyshelachivanie, vysolazhivanie lead 1> _him.

Svinec _Ex: lead ore svincovaya ruda _Ex: lead plate svincovaya plastinka _Ex: lead plating osvincovyvanie _Ex: lead spar, lead vitriol svincovyi kuporos, anglezit _Ex: red lead svincovyi surik _Ex: white lead svincovye belila _Ex: sheet lead listovoi svinec _Ex: as heavy as lead ochen' tyazhelyi 2> gruzilo, otves 3> _mor. Lot _Ex: to cast (to heave) the lead brosat' lot, meryat' glubinu lotom 4> _sl. Pulya, puli; devyat' grammov svinca _Ex: lead poison smert' ot puli _Ex: a hail of lead grad svinca _Ex: to get the lead byt' zastrelennym, pogibnut' ot puli 5> svincovye polosy dlya pokrytiya kryshi 6> pokrytaya svincom krysha; ploskaya krysha _Ex: under the leads na cherdake, pod kryshei 7> grafit; karandashnyi grifel' 8> _poligr. Svinec, gart (tzh. Hard lead) 9> _poligr. Shpony 10> _razg.

Kotelok, kotel (iz svinca) _Id: to swing the lead _mor. Uvilivat' ot raboty, simuliruya bolezn' i t. _Id: lead balloon _am.

Neudacha; proval _Id: the joke was a lead balloon eta ostrota ne doshla (do publiki) _Id: to have lead in one's pants _am. Dvigat'sya kak cherepaha; rabotat' lenivo; byt' tugodumom _Id: get the lead out of your pants!

Shevelis'!, poshevelivaisya!, potoraplivaisya! Osvincovyvat', pokryvat' svincom 12> _poligr. Razdelyat' shponami, prokladyvat' shpony; nabirat' na shpony 13> rukovodstvo, iniciativa _Ex: to take the lead brat' na sebya rukovodstvo, proyavlyat' iniciativu 14> primer _Ex: to follow the lead of smb. Sledovat' ch'emu-l. Primeru _Ex: to give smb. A lead in smth.

Pokazat' komu-l. Primer v chem-l.; uvlech' kogo-l.

Svoim primerom 15> ukazanie, direktiva 16> klyuch (k resheniyu chego-l); namek 17> razvernutyi podzagolovok, annotaciya (pered stat'ei) 18> vvodnaya chast' 19> pervoe predlozhenie ili pervyi abzac informacionnoi stat'i 20> gazetnaya informaciya, pomeshennaya na vidnoe mesto 21> pervenstvo, pervoe mesto _Ex: in the lead vo glave (processii i t. P.) _Ex: to have (to gain) the lead in a race zanyat' pervoe mesto v sostyazanii 22> preim _sport. Preimushestvo, pereves _Ex: to have a lead of several metres operedit' na neskol'ko metrov _Ex: to have an enormous lead in conventional weapons imet' ogromnyi pereves v obychnyh vidah oruzhiya 23> povodok; privyaz' _Ex: the dog was on the lead sobaka shla na povodke 24> _teatr. Glavnaya rol' 25> _teatr. Ispolnitel' ili ispolnitel'nica glavnoi roli 26> _kart.

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Hod; pervyi hod _Ex: whose lead is it? _Ex: it is your lead vash hod; vam nachinat' 27> _kart. Karta, mast' (s kotoroi nachinayut) _Ex: to return one's partner's hodit' v mast'; podderzhivat' ch'yu-libo iniciativu 28> _razg. Dorozhka, tropinka _Ex: blind lead tupik 29> iskusstvennoe ruslo (vedushee k mel'nice) 30> razvod'e (vo l'dah); prohod (sredi dreifuyushih l'dov) 31> _el. Podvodyashii provod 32> oshinovka, elektroprovodka 33> truboprovod; kanal 34> _teh. Shag ili hod (vinta ili chervyaka) 35> _teh.

Otvodnoi blok 36> _sport. Udar _Ex: lead for the body udar v tulovishe (boks) 37> _teh. Centriruyushaya faska 38> _teh. Operezhenie, predvarenie (vpuska para i t. P.) 39> _voen. Uchrezhdenie, privedenie ognya (po dvizhusheisya celi) _Ex: lead element _voen.